18 July 2023 | International Partnerships, Press, Research
Scientists from the Institut Pasteur, the CNRS, the Institut universitaire de France, Université Paris Cité and the Paris Public Hospital Network (AP-HP) compared genetic data from 13,000 individuals with autism and nearly 200,000 individuals from the general...
26 June 2023 | Institution, Research
Université Paris Cité is ranked the first French university and 35th university worldwide for its publication impact according to the new Leiden rankings published on June 21st by the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS). The overall ranking...
21 June 2023 | Institution, International, International Partnerships, Research, The Guild
At a recent summit in Brussels, Vice-chancellors and Presidents of the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) and The Guild of European Research-Intensive universities (The Guild) have launched 17 research clusters aiming to transform the nature of...
16 June 2023 | Press, Research
The tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus, native to Southeast Asia, is one of two vectors for transmission of the chikungunya virus to humans. Scientists at Université Paris Cité and the Institut Pasteur have shown that this mosquito can acquire the ability to transmit the...
9 June 2023 | Faculty of Health, Institution, Research
Under the France 2030 plan, the government decided to allocate €1 billion to improving medical research capabilities. The results of the calls for projects and of the call for expression of interest aiming to create Bioclusters, new University Hospital Institutes...
24 May 2023 | Circle U, Education, International, Research
© Giorgio Mattana L’alliance Circle U. rassemble : Université Paris Cité, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, King’s College, London, UCLouvain, l’Université d’Oslo, L’Université d’Aarhus, l’Université de Belgrade, l’Université de Pise et l’Université de Vienne. Giorgio...
23 May 2023 | Press, Research
Our liver plays a role in regulating our central biological clock, scientists from CNRS and Université Paris have discovered. The results of their study, published on 17 May in Science Advances, show that the biological clock of mice can be reprogrammed by inserting...
12 May 2023 | Faculty of Health, Press, Research
© Professor Eric Tartour – Université Paris Cité Interaction between a tumor cell expressing CD70 and a T-CD27 lymphocyte from a biopsy of a kidney cancer patient. In less than ten years, immunotherapy has significantly evolved to the point of being a therapeutic...
9 May 2023 | Press, Research
Among the 3,000 submitted projects, 39 French projects were selected and secured ERC funding, including the MultiMENDo project led by Ludivine Doridot. Lecturer in physiology at the UFR of Medicine of the Faculty of Health at Université Paris Cité, Ludivine Doridot...
5 May 2023 | Faculty of Sciences, Research
Extracellular vesicles observed by electron microscopy. In two recent publications, Grégory Lavieu, chair of Excellence IdEx-Université Paris Cité, along with researchers, Shéryl Bui and Julia Dancourt, (UMR7057 CNRS-Université Paris Cité-Inserm U1316), developed cell...
11 April 2023 | Press, Research
© Abdoulaye Sissoko, Sonia Gorgeault, Philippe Roingeard, Pierre Buffet Red (dark grey) globule passing through the wall of a sinus of the spleen In a recent study, Professor Pierre Buffet’s team (UMRS 1134, Université Paris Cité – Inserm), was studying...
30 March 2023 | Campus, Research, Student life
Gaël Fortin, is a Phd student as well as a student-entrepreneur while preparing his thesis in biology. He has benefitted from the national status of student-entrepreneur offered at Université Paris Cité. His entrepreneural projects have turned into reality through the...
24 March 2023 | Research, Université Paris Cité
Congratulations to Camille Lakhlifi, Marie-Joséphine Crenn, first and second prize winners from the jury and Déborah Birre, the people’s choice award, all three winners on March 16th, 2023 during the ASPC final of the “Ma Thèse en 180s” contest. Université Paris Cité...