Feeling down? Having trouble sleeping or feeling stressed? Having dark or suicidal thoughts? Here are your contacts and some useful information to get psychological support during your studies.

Download the brochure for the main psychological support facilities available to students in the Paris Region
Make an appointment with a psychologist or psychiatrist
Contact your University Healthcare Team
The student healthcare team is available at the 5 student healthcare facilities for consultations listening and psychological support:
• at any time of the academic year, whatever study level you maybe
• confidential without advance payment
You can make an appointment with our University Healthcare Team through Doctolib with the professional of your choice: doctor, nurse, dentist or psychologist. You can choose an in-person or video appointment.
Contact the Faculty of Health's Prevention and Psychological Guidance Centre
Are you studying to become a healthcare professional and looking for psychological support or guidance?
You can have a free and confidential consultation with a psychiatrist at the PPOPS on your campus.
The national Santé Psy Étudiant platform
On 10 March 2021, a dedicated national platform was launched to provide psychological support for students. “Santé Psy Étudiant” enables all students to benefit from free psychological support.
Go through QJ
Open since September 1st in the main building of the former city hall of the 1st district, QJ offers a personalised service and solutions in all day to day activities: employment, orientation, career, commitment, health, access to law, housing, vacation, culture, leisure, sports…
Healthcare professionals are on hand to help with mental health issues, as well as with prevention of psycho-social related problems.
The APASO association offers free counselling sessions for all students in Paris, regardless of their school. Whether you are suffering from real psychological difficulties or you simply have questions about your future plans, come and discuss your situation freely, anonymously and at no cost, with a specially trained psychologist.
One of this system’s goals is to guide students towards appropriate help. If applicable, the psychologist will be able to support you with a programme of care, in addition to guiding you to social structures, while also looking at access to your rights, career guidance, access to culture or leisure activities, etc. The psychological support offered aims to enable students to better integrate with their environment and support them with promising projects: student creation, associations…
Practical information
To make an appointment, write to the following e-mail address: etudiants@apaso.fr
Or by telephone on 01 40 47 55 47.
Get psychological support through the City of Paris
The City of Paris healthcare facilities provide consultations for young people.
For more information > Ville de Paris
These consultations are confidential and free of charge.
Wherever you may be, Apsytude offers counselling sessions with a psychologist.
These counselling sessions are free when the CROUS or local establishment has a partnership with Apsytude
Happsy Hours
Happsy Hours are individual counselling sessions with a psychologist, linked to a CROUS regional centre for student affairs or an establishment.
Happsy Line
Happsy Line also offers individual counselling online sessions with a psychologist.
Other partnerships
Locally, there may also be other partnerships between a CROUS and various support and counselling programmes.
To learn more, visit the website for your CROUS, under “Social Action / Health”.
Book an appointment with a BAPU University Counselling Office
The University Counselling Offices (Bureaux d’aide psychologique universitaires, BAPU) are counselling centres that are open to all students who would like psychological support. Their teams are made up of psychotherapists (psychiatrists and psychologists), social assistants and an administrative team. Locally, other professionals may also offer their help in connection with the BAPU Counselling Offices.
The full cost of these consultations is covered by the Social Security system and health insurers.
Students requesting this support do not have to pay any costs in advance.
BAPU Pascal – Montparnasse
30 rue Pascal
75005 Paris
Tél : 01 43 31 31 32
BAPU Luxembourg
44 rue Henri Barbusse
75005 Paris
Tél : 01 43 29 65 72
BAPU Claude Bernard
20 rue Larrey
75005 Paris
Tél : 01 43 37 16 16
BAPU Ribera
50 rue de Ribera
75016 Paris
Tél : 01 45 20 14 40
BAPU Bagnolet
131 rue de Bagnolet
75020 Paris
Tél : 01 40 09 05 09
BAPU Grange Batelière
13 rue de la Grange Batelière
75009 Paris
Tél : 01 47 70 70 32
BAPU de l’Institut Claparède
5 rue du Général Cordonnier
92200 Neuilly sur Seine
Tél : 01 47 45 23 70
BAPU Créteil
1 allée du Marché
94100 Créteil
Tél : 01 43 77 22 22
BAPU St Maur des-Fossés
34 bis rue des Remises
94100 St Maur-des-Fossés
Tél : 01 42 83 28 40
BAPU Cachan
4, rue Raspail
94230 Cachan
Tél : 01 46 65 62 22
Relais Etudiants Lycéens
The Fondation Santé des Etudiants de France offers psychological and academic counselling sessions for young people from the ages 14 to 25.
These support structures operate with or without appointments to provide quick access to care, screening and assessments for adolescents and young adults facing psychological distress in their school, university or family environments.
Paris branch:
01 45 83 89 15 – 60 rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris
Seine-Saint-Denis branch:
06 40 29 78 98 – 3 allée des Tilleuls, 93120 La Courneuve
The Écoute Étudiants platform
This recent site has been created for students in the Île-de-France Region.
Created by psychological support professionals, this platform includes information, advice and practical exercises that you will be able to do at home, and you can also have remote counselling sessions (up to 3 free sessions) with psychologists.
Just need to talk and/or someone to listen ?
CNAE (Coordination nationale d’accompagnement des étudiantes et des étudiants)
The Cnaé is a listening, support and reporting service for students who are experiencing difficulties, violence or discrimination.
Nightline is a listening, support and information service run by student volunteers; it is confidential, free and non-judgemental.
Service closed during the summer from 11 July to 1 September.
PSY emergency hotline number 15
SAMU City of Paris psychiatric healthcare professionals will be able to guide you through your medical care, organize your hospitalization or simply listen to you.
Every day from 8am to midnight.
3114: national suicide prevention number
Available 24/7, you’ll find a prompt, personalised response from mental health professionals. Persons experiencing suicidal thoughts, or those close to them, can contact the hotline.
Fil santé jeunes
On hand to answer your questions every day from 9am to 11pm. 0800 235 236, anonymous freephone number.
You can also contact Fil Santé with the chat feature.
SOS Amitié
Helpline for anyone facing a difficult period in their lives.
Suicide Écoute
Helpline for anyone who is considering ending their life or has decided to do so, as well as for their friends and family.
SOS Suicide Phénix
Helpline and support service for anyone facing the issue of suicide.
Website and app with information for people who may be feeling down, as well as tools, advice and a map of the resources available in each region.
Free helpline specialised in the issue of gender-based and sexual violence: 3919
Ligne Azur
Helpline for anyone who has questions, feels discriminated against or has been subject to homophobic discrimination: 0 810 20 30 40
SOS homophobie
National association to combat hate-motivated violence and discrimination against LGBTI : 01 48 06 42 41
Whether you have been subjected to or witnessed discrimination, the antidiscrimination.fr service will listen and support you to take action faced with situations involving discrimination whatever the reason (origins, disability, gender, sexual orientation, etc.) or the area concerned (employment, housing, access to a service, etc.).
Number: 39 28
The service also has a chat feature and offers access for people who are deaf or hearing impaired.
Psy Île-de-France
Following a five-month trial, the “Psy IdF” platform, led exclusively by GHU Paris with close support from ARS Île-de-France, is being maintained and will now be based on a free helpline for information, guidance and psychological or psychiatric counselling for anyone in the Paris Region: 01 48 00 48 00 (free), 11am to 7pm, 7 days a week.
Le Refuge
A State-approved structure that offers temporary accommodation and social, medical and psychological support for young adult victims of homophobia. The structure has accommodation in Montpellier, Paris, Lyon and Marseille, and offers counselling in its day support centres, open to everyone.
06 31 59 69 50 (24h/24, 7 days a week)
Association "Soins aux Professionnels de Santé"
The Soins aux Professionnels de Santé association offers all students access to its anonymous and confidential free helpline, available 24-7, with all calls answered: 0 805 23 23 36 or using the Asso SPS app
Full directory of support programmes and helplines
Head to Mon soutien psy gratuit (My free psychological support), which presents the psychological support services located close to your campus or your home.
This site has been created by the association Nightline France in conjunction with the Conference of University Presidents (CPU), the CNOUS, the French Ministry for Higher Education, the ADDSU and the RESSPET network.
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