12 July 2022 | Education, Faculty of Health, International, International Partnerships, Mobility, NUS, Research
As the world recovers from the challenges of the global pandemic, President Christine Clerici and Antoine Cazé, Vice President International Relations, after nearly two years without international missions, made a visit to Singapore to renew and sign three partnership...
5 July 2022 | Education, Graduate Schools
On March 29th and April 19th 2022, the SMARTS-UP team gathered thirty graduate students for the “Ikigai” educational workshop. Led by Pascal Kolbe and Andrea Giraldo Sevilla, the workshop was based on the Japanese concept “Ikigai” of finding one’s purpose....
17 June 2022 | Education, Faculty of Sciences, Innovation
© Dimitri Labat Chipiron is one of the “100 startups in which to invest in 2022” of the Challenges magazine. It promises to make MRI scans (magnetic resonance imaging) – the best medical imaging technique – available to everyone everywhere. Interview with one of the...
19 May 2022 | Education, Faculty of Health, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Student life
By providing a course on Environmental Transition and Societal Issues, Université Paris Cité aims to raise awareness among the student community of the Anthropocene and planetary limitations, equip them with ideas on growth and degrowth, and help them become active...
18 May 2022 | Circle U, Education, Faculty of Health, Innovation, International
Supervision room for remote ECOSs at Université Paris Cité Initiated to put skills and the doctor-patient relationship at the center of student training and evaluation, “ECOS” or “Examen Clinique Objectif et Structuré” is a situational exercise that assesses the...
5 April 2022 | Education, Faculty of Sciences, Institution, International, International Partnerships, Mobility, Research
Over the last month, Olivier Taboureau, professor of bioinformatics and biostatistics at Université Paris Cité has been hosting internationally recognized tenured scientist and expert in structural bioinformatics, Juan Fernandez-Recio of the Spanish National Research...
20 January 2022 | Education, Research
The L’Oréal Foundation, in partnership with the French National Commission for UNESCO and the French Academy of Sciences, is launching a call for applications for the 2022 edition of the L’Oréal-UNESCO France Young Talents for Women in Science programme. ©...
14 January 2022 | Education, International, Research
Citizen Science can be effective in contributing to the progress towards and the monitoring of the SDGs targets and indicators. At the same time, the 2030 Agenda repeatedly refers to children and young people as “critical agents of change”. The Crowd4SDG programme...
13 January 2022 | Campus, Education, Institution, International, Research, Université Paris Cité
The objective of this FAQ is to answer the main questions raised by our communities and partners following the cancellation of the legal name “Université Paris Cité” on December 29th by the French State Council. General Information Education Students Future students...
12 January 2022 | Covid-19, Education, International, Research
As deep changes are ongoing in work practices, for the 10th anniversary of the International Conference on Technical Communication at Université Paris Cité, we will explore the right time and space for technical communication. Join us on January 28th ! ...
4 January 2022 | Education, International, Research
Launched by Learning Planet Institute (formerly CRI) and UNESCO in January 2020, on the occasion of the International Day of Education, the #LearningPlanet Festival celebrates lifelong learning. This( 3rd edition will take place from January 22 to 29th 2022. It...
6 December 2021 | Education, International
Teachers and students from the Latin American alliance for the Capacity Building in Advanced Physics “LA-CoNGA physics” are meeting in Bucaramanga, Colombia, from December 6th to 8th 2021. They will review the international pedagogical experience and show...
23 November 2021 | Campus, Education, Graduate Schools, International, Research
The SMARTS-UP project, managed by DRIVE’s Structuring Projects Department, has led to the creation of 19 new Graduate Schools. This ambitious programme contributes to the internationalisation of research training by welcoming the most talented international...
15 November 2021 | Circle U, Education, International
Within the context of the Circle U. European University alliance, the Modern Language Centre at King’s College London invites students from partner universities to learn languages online. Apply by Friday, December 10th 2021! The Modern Language Centre at King’s...
15 November 2021 | Campus, Education, International
Financed by the European Commission-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation and the Japanese host company, the Vulcanus in Japan programme provides industrial placements to EU / COSME (Competitiveness for Small and Medium Enterprises) student-engineers from the...
11 October 2021 | Campus, Education, Université Paris Cité
The English version of the “Box” is now available! It is a useful, practical tool to guide through your academic journey at Université Paris Cité. International students, here is everything you need to know along with the latest news on campus,...